India’s Misfit Mystic: An Insider Journey into Osho’s Life
India's Misfit Mystic: An Insider Journey into Osho's Life | Unveiling the Life Story of a Spiritual Maverick - Subhuti Anand
In 83 delightful chapters, Subhuti outlines his journey with Osho.
He says "Osho is a provocative figure. He was controversial during his lifetime, he is now, and he always will be. It is fortunate that it is so, because if you read this book and understand Osho’s life, you will be forced to question all your ideas about religion, spirituality and meditation. Most of all, you will be forced to question yourself. This is the gift of this book, written by an insider who lived with Osho for 14 years, as part of his commune, riding the intense whirlwind of the mystic’s vision."
StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai (2024)
376 pages, 83 chapters
ISBN-10: 8119445635
ISBN-13: 978-8119445639
Limited copies available.