From Esalen to Pune by Vikrant

Osho and the Path of Humanistic Transpersonal Psychology

by Vikrant A. Sentis

Vikrant details the development of humanistic-transpersonally oriented psychotherapy and how many of the leading figures of this movement went to Pune and developed groups under  Osho’s guidance, making Pune the world center for therapy. 

Osho’s impact on hundreds of psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists between the 1970s and 1990s cannot be overstated.

The eight-page Glossary of Therapists toward the end of the book, from A(bhiyana) to Z(unin Leonard, aka Sw. Siddha) is a virtual Who’s Who of Osho therapists.

Softcover by RIL editores; 298 pages; ISBN 978-84-18982-76-7

Price: $29.95
Plus S & H

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