Falling in Love with Darkness
A new translation of early talks given in Hindi during a meditation camp. First published as Jeevan Sangeet.
A quick online search for the word “darkness” shows how the media, popular culture, and even literary archives, are awash with images that trigger ideas of fear, gloom, horror, evil, and foreboding. In other words, the whole collective of society seems to be terrified of darkness. It is seen as everything that people would like to escape from.
Here, Osho presents a radical rethink:
“Darkness is unknown. We are alone in it. We feel lost and all that was known and familiar seems to have vanished. And remember, only people who can start the journey on the path of truth- who have the ability to let go of the familiar, who are ready to drop the known, who can enter the unknown where there is no path or track – Only they can enter truth.
“I am saying these few things as an introduction because without falling in love with darkness, you will be deprived of loving the great truths of life."
Osho Media International, 2017