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Mahamudra Meditation CD/DVD set

Osho gave this meditation in his talks on the Tantric Master Tilopa, in the series Tantra: The Supreme Understanding.

The meditation consists of two stages. The first is Latihan, in which the meditator allows his/her body to move in accordance with the universal energy. The second stage is Prayer, in which the meditator becomes a channel: taking energy from the sky pouring it into the earth.

Osho says that if this meditation is done regularly for about three months, the meditator can experience a state of dissolution into Existence, known as Mahamudra, The Great Orgasm.

Our set comes consists of a CD and a DVD, which shows how the meditation is done. The DVD is in the PAL format, which may not play on your DVD player, but will play on a computer.

Price: $14.95
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